Welcome to the Joyful Home!

As a young girl, I dreamt of creating a home where my family and others felt welcomed and accepted. 

I dreamt of cozy, beautiful spaces that ignited joy, fun, and creativity. 

However, my dream faded when challenges erupted and trials occurred in marriage and motherhood. 

My home became a place of turmoil, unrest, and I was the person who brought the destruction.

One day I looked around and realized we had accumulated a whole lot of clutter and an atmosphere that wasn’t as life-giving as I had hoped for.

I felt trapped, because even though I longed for a peaceful home, I struggled with pride and control. Financial trials plagued our family and they became an excuse for my ungodly behavior.

During these trials I tried hard to save face and to keep things under control, but I ended up out of control and needing to surrender to my Lord.

God in His infinite grace, brought me to my knees, and I was able to see, truly see, my destructive tendencies. He brought me to the book of James and I saw that I wasn’t powerless. That I could, can, and will be able to be transformed by His Word and SPirit. I needed an attitude change. I could continue to wallow in self-pity, or I could get up and do something about it.

I chose the latter. 

From that time on, I set out to make our home the best it could possibly be. 

We still didn’t have a lot of money.

But I was learning the power of joy, gratitude, contentment, and hard work.

I decided that no matter how much or how little we had, there was always something to be thankful for.

And I could always improve our space by getting rid of clutter. Any house looks better when there’s no clutter!

Is This You?

Maybe you’ve experienced some of the same things. Can you identify with any of these scenarios?

  • You always dreamt of having a warm and inviting home, but now all you see is clutter.
  • You wanted to have a peaceful, loving atmosphere in your home, but instead you had chaos and disorder.
  • You’d love to have peace in your marriage and become what God calls you to be, a submissive woman clothed in strength. 
  • Or, maybe you’d just love some encouragement or inspiration for creating that beautiful home and atmosphere.

I’m here, to hopefully encourage you on this journey of missional womanhood. 

I believe it’s possible to create a life you love, right where you are.

I believe creating a beautiful and nurturing home is what calls us women to do. 

No, it won’t just happen.

Yes, it’s a lot of work.

But it’s worth it.

Imagine what it would be like to have a beautiful, life-giving home that runs smoothly because you have surrendered to a Holy and Good God, allowing Him to speak life into your routines and activities.

Imagine having no clutter, and being able to keep your space organized.

Having a beautiful home filled with joy is possible, and I’d love to walk alongside you on this journey!

(And, just for the record, I haven’t arrived. Our home is still a work in progress, and I’ll be working on these things right along with you, sharing the successes as well as the failures and cheering you on!)

About Me

My name is Kaity, and I’ve been a wife for 12 years and a mom for 10 of those years. As a homeschooling mom to 5 kiddos ranging in age from 3 to 10, life is very busy and very full, and my to-do list is never done.

I love spending my days here at home, and I’m happiest when I’m outside on nature walks or being creative. I love making food from scratch and trying my hand at baking bread.

I also love farmhouse decor, and I enjoy decorating our house on a budget.

My desire is to come alongside you as a friend, providing hope, encouragement, and creative inspiration for your homemaking journey.

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