Whether you are newly married or have been married for forty years, I encourage you to take time each day to be intentional with praying for your husband. It’s so easy to take our relationships for granted, but a true Christ-centered marriage is a blessing. 

If your marriage is struggling deeply and it feels on the brink of divorce, I implore you to take time to pray, surrender, and seek Christ. I have walked the roads and I know that lonely place you’re in. I know how fear can consume your heart and mind. How bitterness and anger seem to wrap around every area. The good news is that Christ is the one who restores, the one who heals, and the one who redeems. He writes our stories, so dear sister if you’re hurting, know you’re not alone. I’m praying with you for healing and forgiveness in your marriage. Run to Him and surround yourself with sisters who will speak life into you and your husband. Avoid those who bring division. Seek His Truth. 

If you don’t know where to start. I encourage you to start with this prayer and then join with me in, praying for your husband. 

“Lord, I desire to draw near to you and be strengthened in You. To be intimate in deep ways where I trust you more in the areas where I have not rested in your grace. I pray you not only strengths. Our relationship, but my relationship with my husband. Help me to run to you first, before I go to others to talk about my disappointments, fears, or hurts. Search my heart and take away anything that lures me away from you. Let my eyes see you first and always, in every aspect of life. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me and thank you for the pain and trials, that have lead me to call upon you. Please help my husband see me through you Lord. Help my words always be words that speak truth, encouragement, and life to build up my husband. Give me the words to speak when I am angry, or hurt. Please bless my husband and help him look to you for your truth and will for not only his life but also for what is best for our family. Protect us both from the enemy’s lies. In Jesus name. Amen.”

Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Day 1: Thank God for your husband. Even if you aren’t feeling exactly “thankful” for him at that very moment. Especially if you aren’t! 😉

Day 2: Pray for his heart and eyes to be protected by God. The enemy wants to deceive and destroy us. That isn’t a mystery. I mean, it is his job. But guess what? He also wants to tear apart our marriages, especially those of us who are Christian and have a Christ-centered marriage. 

Day 3: Pray for him to see you, through God’s eyes. I pray this often, because I will be honest…I am not always the easiest person to love. I pray that God will help my husband see me through God’s eyes. He is not only the creator of the Universe, but also of me! He knows my heart and how deeply I love my husband, even though my words or actions might not show it.

Day 4: Pray for his relationship with Christ. His relationship with Jesus, should be his FIRST and most important relationship. Yep. More important than his relationship with you. But, it should be ours too. The stronger our love grows for the Lord, the stronger it will grow for your spouse as well!

Day 5: Pray that he has a strong desire to walk with God daily and be a Godly head of the household. Pray that he seeks God’s will as you two make your decisions.

Day 6: Pray for his protection. Not just physically from harm, but also from temptations of the world. 

Day 7: Pray for your husband as a father to your children. To be a good, shinning example of what a man who walks with the Lord looks like. Don’t have children yet? Pray for your future children or for the way your husband interacts with the children in your family.

Day 8: Pray for him to be a good steward of your finances.

Day 9: Pray for his family. (Your in-laws.) For their health and their lives and relationships with Christ and their relationships they have with you and your husband.

Day 10: Pray for his relationship with your family. (His in-laws.)

Day 11: Pray for his job. That he always works as though he is working for the Lord. Thank God for providing your husband with a job and pray that He is blessed through your husband.

Day 12: Pray for his friendships. Pray that he has good, Godly friends and that those relationships are strengthened.

Day 13: Pray for healing from his past. We all have a past. Some worse than others. Regardless of what lies in his past or what you know, or don’t know, I encourage you to pray that God would heal your husband from past hurt and disappointments. And that he would forgive those who have hurt him in any way.

Day 14: Pray for his confidence. Pray that he knows how deeply loved and worthy he is as a child of God. Pray that he looks to God for his worth and not the things of this world.

Day 15: Pray for your relationship with him. Pray that you both keep God at the center of your marriage. Pray that you both always make decisions based on God’s will for your marriage. Pray that you both choose words that will lift each other up.

Day 16: Pray for him to be bold in his faith. With his daily decisions, at his job and just in his every day life.

Day 17: Pray for him to be quick to forgive. Don’t just pray that he forgives you quickly, but that he is quick to forgive anyone and doesn’t hold onto resentment.

Day 18: Pray for him to have a strong prayer life and to be praying for you and your family. When praying through the Holy Spirit there is so much power. If your husband is praying for your lives together daily, that is a true blessing.

Day 19: Pray for your physical intimacy as a couple. Pray that you two grow stronger in your love and desire for each other more each day.

Day 20: Pray that his love for you and your children and Christ to grow stronger each day. With Christ at the center of your family, who can stop you? With Christ, all things are possible!

I encourage you to pray these first 20 days and then ask God what else He wants you to pray about for your husband. Or you can spend more time praying about something specific on this list that you feel he needs more strength and prayer for. Ask God what HE wants you to be praying about for the remaining days of the month.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, do not lean on your own understanding,, but in all yours ways submit to Him and he will make straight your paths. 

Provers 3:5-6 

I will be praying for you, that not only will your husband be blessed by these prayers, but that you are as well. I know that your heart will be changed by the end of the month and pray that your husband’s heart is as well. I look forward to hearing how this went for you!

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